January /February 2007
<p>Welcome to <a href="/publications/newsletters/states-in-action/2007/jan/january-february-2007
">States in Action,</a> a bimonthly newsletter that describes innovative state health programs from across the country. <br /><br /><strong>Medicaid Pay-for-Performance: Ongoing Challenges, New Opportunities</strong><br />With pay-for-performance (P4P) programs becoming common among private health plans, more states are considering ways to integrate both financial and non-financial incentives into their Medicaid programs. States are taking a number of different approaches toward Medicaid P4P—overcoming significant challenges along the way. This profile reviews some of those challenges, highlights a few state strategies, and describes new trends in the use of quality incentives. <a href="/publications/newsletters/states-in-action/2007/jan/january-february-2007
">More</a><br /><br /><strong>Louisiana Medicaid Waiver: Redesigning New Orleans' Health Care System, and Expanding Coverage Across the State</strong><br />Louisiana submitted a concept paper to CMS outlining a proposed redesign of New Orleans' health care system that would address the state's high uninsured rate, improve quality of care, and create a more stable infrastructure in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. <a href="/publications/newsletters/states-in-action/2007/jan/january-february-2007
">More</a><br /><br /><strong>Maine's Blue Ribbon Commission: Reinventing Financing for the Dirigo Health Insurance Program</strong><br />Maine's Blue Ribbon Commission on Dirigo Health made recommendations to the governor about how the program should be funded, including: increasing the tax on tobacco products, establishing a snack tax and a tax on soft drinks and syrups, and creating a beer and wine tax. In addition, they endorsed the continued capture and redirection of bad debt and charity care funding. <a href="/publications/newsletters/states-in-action/2007/jan/january-february-2007
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">More</a><br /><br /><strong>Post-Election Activity</strong><br />The Nov. 7 election brought many changes at the national and state levels. In mid-January, a bipartisan group of lawmakers unveiled legislation that would provide federal funding for state initiatives to provide health care coverage to the uninsured. And a number of states elected governors who ran on platforms in which health care was the number-one priority. <a href="/publications/newsletters/states-in-action/2007/jan/january-february-2007
">More</a><br /><br /> <a href="/publications/newsletters/states-in-action/2007/jan/january-february-2007
">Commission Corner</a><br /><br /><a href="/publications/newsletters/states-in-action/2007/jan/january-february-2007
">Related Publications</a><br /><br /><a href="/publications/newsletters/states-in-action/2007/jan/january-february-2007
">Upcoming Meetings</a></p>