JCAHO Symposium on Health Literacy, June 26–27
<p>As supporters of efforts to improve health literacy, we at the Fund wanted to let you know that the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations and Joint Commission Resources will host "Health Literacy: The Foundation for Patient Safety, Empowerment, and Quality Health Care" on June 26-27 in Rosemont, Illinois. This national symposium will frame the issues that surround low health literacy and offer solutions that health care clinicians, managers, communicators, policymakers and advocates can implement.<br><br>Key topics to be addressed include:<ul><li>How low health literacy is linked to unsafe care and poor patient outcomes, increased costs and inefficient care;</li><li>Tools and techniques that can be used to overcome the challenge of low health literacy;</li><li>Models for achieving shared medical decision-making and truly informed consent;</li><li>Strategies to address low health literacy in the care of people with chronic illnesses;</li><li>The critical role of cultural competency in the delivery of high-quality, effective health care; and</li><li>New methods for enhancing patient abilities to navigate health care settings and the system.</ul><br><br>For more information or to register, visit the <a href="http://www.jcrinc.com/education.asp?durki=11276&site=5&return=11114">JC… conference website</a>.</p>