Join an Online Seminar on Maine's Health Reform Initiative
<p>In 2003, Maine adopted the Dirigo Health Reform Act, with the aim of making affordable health care coverage available to every Maine resident by 2009, slowing growth in health care costs, and improving the quality of care.<br><br>An <a href="">online seminar</a> cosponsored by The Commonwealth Fund's State Innovations program and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Changes in Health Care Financing and Organization (HCFO) and State Coverage Initiatives (SCI) programs, will examine Maine's progress. The seminar will feature Jim Verdier, J.D., and Debra Lipson, M.H.S.A., of Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., authors of the recent Commonwealth Fund report <em>Leading the Way? Maine's Initial Experience in Expanding Coverage Through Dirigo Health Reforms</em>.<br><br><strong>Cyber Seminar: Leading the Way? Maine's Experience in Expanding Coverage</strong><br><br><strong>Date:</strong> Friday, Feb. 1, 2008, 12:30-2:00 p.m. EST<br><strong>Presenters:</strong> Jim Verdier, J.D., and Debra Lipson, M.H.S.A., Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.<br><strong>Discussants:</strong> Trish Riley, Maine's Governor's Office of Health Policy; Karynlee Harrington, Dirigo Health Agency; and Enrique Martinez-Vidal, M.P.P., State Coverage Initiatives<br><strong>Moderator:</strong> Rachel Nuzum, M.P.H., The Commonwealth Fund<br><br>Registration is $40 per Internet connection; groups are encouraged to participate via one connection. To register, visit <a href="">… </strong> The Commonwealth Fund's Washington, D.C., office, which houses the State Innovations program, the Program on Medicare's Future, and certain staff from the Commission on a High Performance Health System, is moving.<br>As of December 31, 2007, the new address will be:<br>1150 17th Street NW, Suite 600<br>Washington, D.C. 20036<br>Phone, fax numbers and email addresses will remain the same.</p>