Join Two National Academies of Practice Events

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<p>The National Academies of Practice (NAP), a group of health care practitioners that advises policymakers on health care, is sponsoring two Commonwealth Fund-supported events in March. </p>
<p>On March 27, NAP will hold a legislative briefing and press conference, "We Can Change Health Care: Working Until It Is Done,"<b> </b>from 10:00 to 11:30 am in the Rayburn House Office Building 2237. Uninsured patients and their providers will share their stories.</p>
<p>On March 28, NAP will host a forum, "Transforming Healthcare: Models of Accountable Interdisciplinary Care Coordination That Work," from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm at the Marriott Crystal Gateway in Arlington, Virginia. The Fund's Anne Gauthier, M.S., will provide an overview of the work of the Commonwealth Fund Commission on a High Performance Health System and Robert Berenson, M.D., of the Urban Institute will give the keynote address. Other talks include: Michael Barr, M.D., on medical homes; Marie DiCowden, M.D., on Health Care Community; and Tomas Edes, M.D., on the Veteran Administration's Home-Based Primary Care Program. Discussion will follow. </p>
<p>The March 27 legislative briefing is free, but please RSVP by e-mail if you plan to attend: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a&gt;. </p>
<p>The March 28 event is fee-based. Go to <a href="">http://www.napractice.o…; for a registration form. A small number of free passes to the morning speaker session are available. Please contact <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a&gt; or call 410-676-3390 for further information.</p>