Join a Webinar on Australian-American Health Policy Fellowship

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<p>Join a webinar on the <a href="; target="_blank">Australian-American Health Policy Fellowship</a> on April 30 at 5 p.m., E.T., hosted by The Commonwealth Fund in collaboration with the Centre for Health Economics Research and Evaluation (CHERE) at the University of Technology in Sydney. </p><p>Sponsored by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing, this fellowship offers a unique opportunity for outstanding, mid-career U.S. professionals to spend up to 10 months in Australia conducting research and working with the country’s leading health policy experts on issues relevant to U.S. health policy and implementation of health reform. </p>
<p>Speakers will include: Robin Osborn, Commonwealth Fund vice president and International Health Policy and Innovation Program director, who will discuss the fellowship and the value of cross-national learning in health policy; Jane Hall, program director and professor of health economics at the University of Technology, Sydney, who will provide an overview of the Australian health policy context and describe the fellowship program; and 2010–11 fellow Jessica Greene, professor and research director at the George Washington University School of Nursing, who will discuss the fellowship experience. </p>
<p>To register, go to: <a href="; target="_blank"></a&gt;. </p>