Join a Webinar on Innovations for Long-Term Services and Supports
<p>Join AcademyHealth and The Commonwealth Fund for a webinar on Tuesday, October 27, that will feature the latest evidence and experience on long-term services and supports for <strong>older adults and people with disabilities</strong>. This is the second in a series of three webinars looking on high-priority topics in system transformation for which there is a learning opportunity for both U.S. and non-U.S. audiences. </p><p>The webinar is free for AcademyHealth members and $50 for non-members.</p>
<li><strong>What:</strong> Searching for Effective Innovations II: Long-Term Services and Supports </li>
<li><strong>When: </strong>Tuesday, October 27, 2015, 12:30 p.m.--2:00p.m. ET </li>
<li><strong>Who:</strong> Lisa Simpson, AcademyHealth (Moderator); Leon Geffen, University of Cape Town; Vincent Mor, Brown University School of Public Health; David Blumenthal, M.D., The Commonwealth Fund (Discussant) </li>