June 27 Briefing: Why Medical Homes Can Promote Health Care Equity

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<p>Nearly one-half of Hispanics and one of four African Americans are uninsured, and both of these groups are less likely than other ethnic groups to have a regular source for their care. Although having health insurance is vital in helping people obtain essential care, coverage alone cannot end disparities in health care. A new report from The Commonwealth Fund will highlight trends in minority health care and show why having a "medical home"--in which patients can get timely, well-organized access to care--can improve health, foster management of chronic medical conditions, improve preventive care, and eliminate racial and ethnic health care disparities.<Br><br>On June 27, <strong>Garth Graham, M.D.,</strong> and <strong>Dora Hughes, M.D.,</strong> will join Commonwealth Fund leaders <strong>Steve C. Schoenbaum, M.D.,</strong> and <strong>Anne Beal, M.D.,</strong> to react to the report and discuss what steps the federal government can take to promote health care equity. Dr. Graham directs the Administration's Office of Minority Health and Dr. Hughes is the top health aide to Sen. Barack Obama.<br><BR>Copies of the report, <em>Closing the Divide: How Medical Homes Promote Equity in Health Care,</em> will be available at the briefing.<br><br><strong>When:</strong> Wednesday, June 27, 2007, Noon - 1:30 p.m. <em>Lunch will be available</em><br><Br><strong>Where:</strong> National Press Club, White, Murrow, Lisagor Rooms, 529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor, Washington, D.C.<br><br><strong>Who: Steve C. Schoenbaum, M.D.,</strong> Executive Vice President, The Commonwealth Fund<br><br><strong>Anne Beal, M.D.,</strong> Senior Program Officer, The Commonwealth Fund<br><Br><strong>Garth Graham, M.D.,</strong> Deputy Assistant Secretary for Minority Health, Department of Health and Human Services<br><br><strong>Dora Hughes, M.D.,</strong> Health and Education Policy Advisor, Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL)<br><br>To RSVP, contact Erin Kerr, <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]; or 301-652-1558.</p>
