From Karen Davis: The Commonwealth Fund Wants Your Thoughts on Health Policy Priorities

eAlert e6df7952-f1e0-4c1e-81d8-8e8005ee35a7

<p>Improving health care quality, controlling rising health costs, and expanding coverage to those who need it are all pressing national concerns. So I hope you will take some time in the next few days to participate in the Commonwealth Fund's newest Health Care Opinion Leaders Survey, which will address these important issues as well as ask you to assess Congress' health policy priorities in coming years.<br><br>As you may know, the Opinion Leaders survey is a bimonthly online survey that asks a range of experts for their views on key health policy issues. You are among the experts nominated by your peers to take part in this ongoing series of surveys. You will be able to take part in this survey by clicking on the link in the e-mail that you will soon receive from Harris Interactive, which conducts the survey on behalf of the Fund.<br><br>The survey instrument has been designed to be completed in about five minutes. All responses to this and future surveys will be kept confidential. Results will be reported to the Fund in such a way that no responses can be attributed to any individual.<Br><Br>Our previous surveys asked our opinion leaders to consider how best to <a href="/surveys/surveys_show.htm?doc_id=329047">finance long-term care,</a> to assess the success of <a href=""…; and <a href=""…; to evaluate ways to lower <a href="/surveys/surveys_show.htm?doc_id=275633 ">health care costs,</a> and to analyze a series of policy options relating to <a href="/surveys/surveys_show.htm?doc_id=263060">health insurance.</a> Additionally, last year, we asked respondents to prioritize <a href="/surveys/surveys_show.htm?doc_id=254281">health policy issues.</a> (Click on any of these links to view the survey results.)<br><BR>If you have been able to participate in any of our surveys in the past, please accept my thanks. And if you have not participated before, I hope you will be able to do so this time. Thanks in advance for being part of this effort.<br /><br />Sincerely,<div align="left"><drupal-media data-view-mode="media_image" data-entity-type="media" data-entity-uuid="e5e8ede6-439b-4ce7-b6ad-6bb6e1219979"></drupal-media></div><p>Karen Davis<br />President<br />The Commonwealth Fund</p>