The Latest Court Challenge to the Affordable Care Act
<p>Last month, the District of Columbia Court of Appeals heard arguments in a case that strikes at the very heart of the Affordable Care Act's ability to make insurance coverage affordable nationally. Along with three other cases filed in Virginia, Oklahoma, and Indiana, <em>Halbig v. Sebelius</em> asks whether the health reform law permits the federal government to pay premium tax credits for health plans sold through the federally facilitated marketplaces.</p><p>In a <a href="/blog/2014/latest-court-challenge-affordable-care-act">new blog post,</a> Sara Rosenbaum of the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services explains the plaintiffs’ argument, as well as the status of the cases moving through the courts. She also outlines the profound implications if the challenges succeed, including the potential damage to the new insurance marketplaces and the loss of affordable coverage for millions of Americans.</p>
<p>Visit <a href="/blog/2014/latest-court-challenge-affordable-care-act">The Commonwealth Fund Blog</a> for the complete post. </p>