Latest Scorecard on Health System Performance Shows More Improvement Than Decline Across States

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<p>States’ health care systems improved more than they declined, and access to care expanded across the nation, The Commonwealth Fund’s latest <a href="/publications/fund-reports/2015/dec/aiming-higher-results-scorecard-state-health-system-performance">Scorecard on State Health System Performance</a> finds. </p><p>The 2015 edition of the state scorecard—the first one in the series to reflect a full year of the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance expansions—finds that the uninsured rate for working-age adults declined in nearly all states dropped by at least three points in 39 states. However, stark differences persisted among states on many other health system performance indicators. </p>
<p>The scorecard<em> </em>ranks every state and the District of Columbia based on 42 indicators of health care access, quality, costs, and outcomes—from hospital readmission rates to childhood vaccination rates.</p>
Try our <a href="; target="_blank">interactive tool</a> to view and compare results for every state. And read the <a href="/publications/issue-briefs/2015/dec/changing-landscape-health-care-coverage-and-access-comparing">companion issue brief</a> detailing state-by-state trends in access to health care: <em>The Changing Landscape of Health Care Coverage and Access: Comparing States’ Progress in the ACA’s First Year</em>. Read the scorecard