A Look Inside Our Changing Health System
Maria Montaño, age 68, had diabetes for 20 years but found her condition spiraling out of control in recent years. Things began to change after her physicians joined the Rio Grande Valley ACO, a network of primary care practices participating in the ACA’s Medicare's Shared Savings Program, which allows providers to share in the savings they generate by keeping patients like Montaño healthy. Under the program, Montaño, who began working with a health coach, saw a dramatic improvement in her health.<br /><br />
The Commonwealth Fund’s new digital features explain the impact the Affordable Care Act is having on <a href="/ACAat5/delivery-reform/">health care delivery</a> and <a href="/ACAat5/coverage-reform/">coverage</a> through the stories of patients like Montaño. We invite you to explore our new features, which convey these stories in photos, infographics, videos, podcasts, and more.