Loss of Maternity Care and Mental Health Coverage Would Burden Those in Greatest Need

eAlert d81ba09e-a305-44e4-b94c-0b21573cca49

<p>Most individual and small-group health insurers must cover 10 “essential health benefits,” including office visits, hospitalization, emergency department visits, prescription drugs, and other specific types of care. But the American Health Care Act, recently passed by the House of Representatives, would allow states to waive such benefits.</p><p>In a new post on <em>To the Point</em>, RAND’s Christine Eibner and Christopher Whaley estimate how much the Affordable Care Act’s requirement to cover maternity care, substance abuse and mental health treatment, and prescription drugs adds to premiums and overall spending by insurers. The researchers also assess the potential impact that eliminating these services from the required health benefits package would have on consumer spending.</p>

http://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/newsletters/ealerts/2017/may/loss-of-maternity-care-and-mental-health-coverage-would-burden-those-in-greatest-need Read the post