Medical Homes Can Reduce Spending for High-Risk Patients, but Design and Implementation Matter
<p>A recent meta-analysis of evaluation findings from 11 medical home initiatives revealed significant variation in health care use, costs, and quality. The study, published in Health Affairs, also found that the care model led to reductions in spending and improvements in breast cancer screening rates for high-need patients, lower use of specialist visits, and increased cervical cancer screening.</p><p>In a new <em>To the Point</em> post, authors Anna Sinaiko, David Meyers, and Meredith Rosenthal of the Harvard School of Public Health discuss their findings and the implications for the medical home’s future. The next steps for researchers, they say, will be to identify the components of the model that contribute most to success and determine the best ways to integrate these components into the health care system. </p> Read the post