Medicare Provides Greater Access, Financial Protection Than Private Coverage

eAlert 4fd67ead-3efc-4f93-9737-f85e6fa357f3

<p>Medicare outperforms private coverage when it comes to fulfilling the two main purposes of health insurance—ensuring access to care and providing adequate financial protection from burdensome medical bills—according to a recently published Commonwealth Fund study. Medicare beneficiaries are also more satisfied with their coverage than people with private plans. </p><p>Commonwealth Fund president Karen Davis, Ph.D., and senior research associate Kristof Stremikis, M.P.P., M.P.H., suggest in a new <a href="/… post</a> that it may be desirable to open up the program to people buying insurance through the state exchanges, especially to older adults. They note that expanding Medicare may help stabilize benefit levels and make working adults more secure in their health insurance coverage.</p>