Modest Changes in 2016 Health Insurance Marketplace Premiums and Insurer Participation
<p>A new analysis of the Affordable Care Act’s marketplace health plans finds that premiums increased a modest 6 percent nationwide for all plans in 2016, although there were wide variations by state.Conducted by researchers at NORC at the University of Chicago, the analysis, which was weighted for population, is the most comprehensive to date. It examines:</p>
<li>premium amounts—and change in premiums—for nearly all states and the District of Columbia, and across all tiers of coverage</li>
<li>differences in premiums between urban, suburban, and rural areas within states</li>
<li>participation by insurers.</li>
<p>The researchers also find that average premiums for the second-lowest-cost silver plan—the benchmark for calculating the federal subsidy in a given state—increased by 6 percent. Meanwhile, the number of carriers participating in local markets declined slightly. </p>
<p>Visit our <a href="/~/media/ed32926506f348f18f7df87656280f18.ashx">interactive map</a> for state-by-state premiums and percentage changes.</p>