Nation to Move Forward on Ensuring Affordable Access to High-Quality Care for All
<p>Today, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. This decision allows state and federal policymakers across the country to move forward in their work to implement the health reform law’s provisions. Over the next decade, as many as 32 million previously uninsured people will gain affordable and comprehensive health insurance coverage because of the law. </p><p>In a <a href="/blog/2012/nation-move-forward-ensuring-affordable-access-high-quality-care-all">new blog post</a>, The Commonwealth Fund’s Sara Collins, Ph.D., and Karen Davis, Ph.D., outline the many ways the law is already helping to provide Americans with affordable, high-quality care. They also review the next steps for states and other stakeholders. "In the wake of the Supreme Court decision, it is critical that state and federal policymakers, regulators, and key stakeholders work in concert to realize the potential of this historic law," the authors write.</p>