New Analysis: Women Stand to Gain Big Under Health Reform

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<p>Once it is fully implemented in 2014, the Affordable Care Act is expected to cover nearly all of the estimated 27 million working-age women who were uninsured for some time in 2010, a new <a href="/publications/issue-briefs/2011/may/women-risk-why-increasing-numbers-women-are-failing-get-health">Commonwealth Fund analysis</a> finds. Women also stand to benefit from free coverage of preventive care services like mammograms, small business tax credits, new affordable coverage options and premium subsidies, and insurance market reforms, including a ban on charging women higher premiums.</p>
<p>The Fund analysis finds that women are in need of these reforms now more than ever. In 2010, nearly half of women ages 19 to 64 skipped needed care because of the cost, up from one-third in 2001. Meanwhile, health care costs are swallowing a greater share of women’s incomes, with low- and moderate-income women most affected. </p>
<p>Read the <a href="/publications/issue-briefs/2011/may/women-risk-why-increasing-numbers-women-are-failing-get-health">issue brief</a> to learn more about the health care struggles facing millions of U.S. women today and how the new law will bring relief. </p>
<p>Also see a related <a href="/blog/2011/how-health-reform-will-help-women-get-coverage-and-care-they-need">blog post</a> and download the charts in <a href="~/link.aspx?_id=3916BDAFA3854C069FFDF13F1DE50BD2&_z=z">ChartCart</a>. <br /></p>