New International Health Survey: Sicker Adults with Medical Home Do Better
<p>Adults with complex medical conditions, including those with serious or chronic illness, injury, or disability, benefit from receiving their care from a medical home, The Commonwealth Fund's <a href="/publications/journal-article/2011/nov/new-2011-survey-patients-complex-care-needs-eleven-countries">latest international health policy survey</a> finds. </p>
<p>According to the 2011 survey, which focused on the health care experiences of "sicker" adults in the United States and 10 other high-income countries, patients connected with primary care practices that have medical home characteristics were less likely to report medical errors, test duplication, and other care coordination failures. Moreover, they reported better relationships with their doctors and rated their care more highly. An article based on the survey findings was published today by <em>Health Affairs</em>. </p>
<p>Among sicker adults surveyed in the 11 countries, those in the U.K. and Switzerland were the most likely to have a medical home and to report positive health care experiences. Patients were identified as having a medical home if they reported having a regular source of care that knows their medical history, is accessible, and helps coordinate care received from other providers. </p>
<p>The U.S. stood out in the survey for having the highest rates of patients reporting problems paying medical bills and going without needed care because of costs. Forty-two percent of U.S. respondents reported not visiting a doctor, not filling a prescription or skipping medication doses, or not getting recommended care. View the survey infographic, read a <a href="/blog/2011/common-challenge-seamless-and-patient-centered-care-adults-complex-care-needs">blog post</a> on the countries' shared challenges, and access <a href="/publications/journal-article/2011/nov/new-2011-survey-patients-complex-care-needs-eleven-countries">in-depth profiles</a> of health care systems around the world by visiting <a href="/"></a>. And visit the site later today to compare performance by country and download custom charts in our International Health Policy Center. </p>