New Podcast: A Novel Approach to Medical Interpreting
<p>In the latest episode of <a href="/podcasts/">New Directions in Health Care: The Commonwealth Fund Podcast</a>, producer Blue Chevigny travels to New York City's Bellevue Hospital to talk with physicians and patients using remote simultaneous medical interpreting (RSMI), a new translation method that is improving patients' experiences and outcomes.<br><br>Similar to the approach used by the United Nations, RSMI allows the two parties to speak into enhanced telephones while an off-site interpreter translates. Both doctors and patients say that using it is like having a private conversation. Chevigny also interviews New York University researcher Francesca Gany, M.D., M.S., who shares results from her Commonwealth Fund-supported study comparing RSMI to customary approaches, such as over-the-phone consecutive interpreting, where a statement is interpreted after the patient or doctor has finished speaking.<br><br>Visit the Commonwealth Fund Web site to hear about RSMI, listen to other episodes of <a href="/podcasts/">New Directions in Health Care</a>, and learn more about the <a href="/programs/programs_list.htm?attrib_id=9133">Program on Health Care Disparities</a>.</p>