New Return on Investment Calculator for Medicaid Quality Initiatives
<p>The Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) has launched the Return on Investment Forecasting Calculator for Quality Initiatives, a Web-based tool designed to help Medicaid stakeholders identify programs with the potential to both improve health care quality and control costs.<br><br>The ROI Calculator, available at <a href=""></a>, can generate realistic return on investment (ROI) estimates for quality improvement initiatives. With funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and The Commonwealth Fund, CHCS worked with eight states to test the ROI Calculator through the Return on Investment Purchasing Institute, a national learning collaborative. The experiences of these states are summarized in a new issue brief by CHCS's Allison Hamblin, M.S.P.H., <a href="… ROI Forecasting to Maximize the Value of Medicaid Investment</a>.<br><br>On May 8, 2008, from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m., EDT, CHCS will host a webinar, "Forecasting Return on Investment from Medicaid Quality Initiatives," which will include a demonstration of the calculator. Participants in the ROI Purchasing Institute will also discuss how they used the tool to plan for and support specific state initiatives.<br><br>To register for this Commonwealth Fund- and RWJF-supported webinar, go to <a href="…;