New Study: Consumers in All States Benefiting from Reforms to Individual Insurance Market

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<p>The Affordable Care Act contains a number of reforms to make it easier for people to find reasonably priced, quality individual health insurance. But because states retain considerable flexibility in implementing the law, consumers are likely to experience some of these reforms differently, depending on where they live.</p><p>In a new <a href="/publications/issue-briefs/2014/jul/implementing-affordable-care-act-state-action-reform-individual">Commonwealth Fund issue brief,</a> Georgetown University’s Justin Giovannelli, Kevin Lucia, and Sabrina Corlette report that that consumers across the country will enjoy the new protections that guarantee access to coverage, ban preexisting-condition exclusions, restrict use of health status, gender, and other factors when setting premium rates, and provide coverage of essential health benefits. But consumers in certain states will have even broader protections that exceed federal standards.</p>
<p>Read the <a href="/publications/issue-briefs/2014/jul/implementing-affordable-care-act-state-action-reform-individual">new brief</a> to learn how the new standards are shaping individual insurance across the country, and how some states are taking them a step further.</p>