New Study Shows How the VA Is Building Patient-Centered Medical Homes
<p>In early 2010, the U.S. Veterans Health Administration embarked on an ambitious three-year plan to build patient-centered medical homes in more than 900 primary care clinics, where interdisciplinary provider teams would work together to improve chronic disease management, expand preventive health services, and strengthen care coordination. A new Commonwealth Fund <a href="/publications/case-study/2011/sep/veterans-health-administration-implementing-patient-centered">case study</a>, prepared by Sarah Klein, describes the VA's program and profiles implementation efforts in two clinics, one in Memphis, Tenn., and another in Lincoln, Neb. </p>
<p>In the VA model, the delivery of patient care is a responsibility shared by team members, who include a primary care provider, a registered nurse, a licensed practical nurse or equivalent, and a medical clerk. Teams are encouraged to test and spread new approaches for increasing access and efficiency while also improving transitions between inpatient and outpatient care settings. </p>
<p>Early results indicate the VA has already achieved some dramatic benefits for its patients, showing that improvements in quality and access are possible in a short period. Read the <a href="/publications/case-study/2011/sep/veterans-health-administration-implementing-patient-centered">case study</a> to learn more. </p>