New Study: Young Adults Making Big Gains Under Health Reform Law
<p>In 2011, an estimated 13.7 million young adults ages 19 to 25 stayed on or joined their parents' health insurance plans, including 6.6 million who would probably not have been able to do so before passage of the Affordable Care Act, according to results from a new <a href="/publications/issue-briefs/2012/jun/young-uninsured-and-debt-why-young-adults-lack-health-insurance">Commonwealth Fund issue brief</a>. These young men and women likely gained or maintained health insurance because of the provision in the Affordable Care Act requiring that health plans that cover dependents insure children until age 26.</p><p>Survey findings also suggest that young adults are likely to enroll in health plans in large numbers when new, more affordable options become available in 2014, when the reform law takes full effect.</p>
<p><a href="/publications/issue-briefs/2012/jun/young-uninsured-and-debt-why-young-adults-lack-health-insurance">Read the brief</a> to learn more about the difficulties this group faces in accessing affordable health care and about the gains made since the Affordable Care Act was enacted.</p>