New 'Talking Health' Episode: Health Care Costs

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<p>The first episode of the Commonwealth Fund–supported CUNY TV program "Talking Health," <a href="/publications/video/2011/mar/talking-health-health-care-cost-vs-income">"Health Care: Cost vs. Income"</a> is now available on The show aired on CUNY-TV on March 15 and will air again March 22.</p>
<p>Moderated by Trudy Lieberman, the program focuses on how effectively the health reform law will reduce health care costs for individuals, businesses, and providers. The guests are Katherine Swartz, professor of health policy and economics at the Harvard School of Public Health; Stephen Rosenthal, president and chief operating officer of CMO-The Care Management Company, a subsidiary of Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx; and T.R. Reid, a former reporter for the <em>Washington Post </em>and author of the best-selling book <em>The Healing of America.</em> <br /><br /></p>