New Video: Improving Care for Vulnerable Populations
<p>In the United States, vulnerable populations, including low-income people, the uninsured, and racial and ethnic minorities, have greater difficulty accessing health care, receive worse care overall, and experience poorer health outcomes than other groups. A <a href="/blog/2012/new-video-improving-care-vulnerable-populations">new video</a> features Pamela Riley, M.D., M.P.H., senior program officer for The Commonwealth Fund's vulnerable populations program, outlining the need to improve care for these Americans and explaining how the Affordable Care Act will help to enhance health care access, quality, and outcomes. The health reform law's Medicaid expansion, Riley says, will bring coverage to millions who need it and help sustain safety-net facilities. </p><p>This is the second video in our series designed to increase understanding of some of the most important changes happening in the U.S. health care system. Upcoming videos in the series will explore U.S. health spending growth and insurance coverage expansion. </p>