New York Health Care Event

eAlert 00b45df6-7361-47fb-8501-711f167ab251

<p>Health care in New York State is in transition. At a New York Academy of Medicine event, "What's Happening in Albany in Health Care?," to be held Monday, February 5, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., with registration and breakfast at 7:30. Featured speaker James R. Tallon, president of the United Hospital Fund and a Commonwealth Fund board member, will lay out a road map for the coming year.<br><br>Among the topics for discussion will be New York Governor Spitzer's plans to expand coverage while cutting costs, along with the impact of the Commission on Health Care Facilities in the 21st Century and the United Hospital Fund/Commonwealth Fund publication <em>Blueprint for Universal Coverage.</em><br><br>Marjorie A. Cadogan, executive deputy commissioner of the Office of Citywide Health Insurance Access, Human Resources Administration for the City of New York, will serve as the moderator, and Kenneth Adams, president and CEO of The Business Council of New York State, will be the discussant.<br><br>To register, go to <a href=""&gt;</a></p&gt;