Opinion Leaders Survey: Health Reform Urgently Needed, Choice of Private and Public Insurance Options Critical

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By a wide margin, health care leaders believe that individuals should have a choice of public and private health plans, and they also strongly support other central components of health reform, such as innovative provider payment reform and a national insurance health exchange with strong standard-setting authority. Moreover, 68 percent consider it urgent to enact comprehensive health care reform this year, according to the latest <a href="/publications/publication/2009/jul/health-care-opinion-leaders-views-health-reform">Commonwealth Fund/<em>Modern Healthcare</em> Health Care Opinion Leaders Survey</a>. <br /><br />"These results show that leaders from all the key stakeholder groups agree: comprehensive health care reform is urgently needed, to rein in costs and ensure that all Americans have access to affordable, quality care," said Commonwealth Fund President Karen Davis. "Leaders also agree that offering a range of insurance options and changing the way we pay for health care are critical steps for controlling the growth in health care spending over the next decade." <br /><br />Seven of 10 respondents to the survey, conducted by Harris Interactive, support the creation of a national health insurance exchange with the authority to enforce standards of participation by carriers, standardize benefits, set rating rules, and review or negotiate premiums. Two-thirds (65%) say that the exchange should offer a public plan that incorporates innovative payment methods. <br /><br />Read the <a href="/publications/publication/2009/jul/health-care-opinion-leaders-views-health-reform">data brief</a> for more survey results. And for two perspectives on the findings, read the commentaries by Representatives <a href="/publications/publication/2009/jul/real-health-care-reform-means-state-innovation-and-public">Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.)</a> and <a href="/publications/publication/2009/jul/tweaks-not-overhaul-responsible-approach-health-reform">Michael C. Burgess (R-Tex.)</a>. <br />
