Opinion Leaders Survey: Still a Crucial Role for Safety-Net Providers After Health Reform
<p>Nearly all the experts surveyed in the latest Commonwealth Fund/<em>Modern Healthcare</em> <a href="/publications/publication/2011/aug/health-care-opinion-leaders-views-vulnerable-populations-us">Health Care Opinion Leaders Survey</a> believe traditional safety-net health care providers will continue to play crucial roles even after the Affordable Care Act is implemented. In addition to serving those individuals who continue to lack health coverage, public hospitals, community health centers, and faith-based and mission-driven organizations are likely to remain the best equipped to meet the special needs of vulnerable populations, the experts agree. </p>
<p>The new survey, which asked about the ways in which health care reform can improve care for low-income people, the uninsured, and disadvantaged racial and ethnic minorities, also found that nearly seven of 10 health care opinion leaders believe the law will improve access to care and financial protection for these groups. </p>
<p>For complete survey findings, read the new Commonwealth Fund <a href="/publications/publication/2011/aug/health-care-opinion-leaders-views-vulnerable-populations-us">data brief</a>. And for commentary, read blog posts by <a href="/blog/2011/will-we-need-safety-net-after-reform">Patricia Gabow, M.D.,</a> CEO of Denver Health and member of the Commonwealth Fund Commission on a High Performance Health System, and <a href="/blog/2011/providing-health-care-vulnerable-populations-without-breaking-bank">David N. Sundwall, M.D.,</a> a primary care physician and former executive director of the Utah Department of Health. <br /></p>