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<p>We are sending you this message to ask whether you would be interested in receiving occasional email communications from The Commonwealth Fund, a private foundation that supports research on health policy and practice. If you're not familiar our work, take a moment to visit <a href="">www.commonwealthfund.org</a>.<br><br>We send email alerts about the latest research in health insurance and health care quality improvement and efficiency, updates on key policy developments in the nation's capital, and more, as well as invitations to join webcasts or other forums.<br><br>If you are interested in receiving alerts, go to <a href="/emailalert/emailalert.htm">http://www.commonwealthfund.org/emailalert/emailalert.htm</a> and register to receive these email alerts. Of course, we will not use the contact information you have provided for any other purpose.<br><br>We welcome your questions or comments; please send them to <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>.</p>