Physicians Are Unhappy with Electronic Health Records: How Can We Fix Them?


It’s no secret that many physicians are unhappy with their electronic health records (EHRs), says Commonwealth Fund President David Blumenthal, M.D., in a new To the Point post. Doctors say they spend too much time keying in data and find their EHRs hard to navigate and cluttered with useless detail.

As Blumenthal points out, EHRs really have one critical performance requirement in our current fee-for-service health system: generating clinical revenues. What they don’t do so well is support the things that physicians, patients, and policymakers value, including better care experiences, reduced costs, and population health management.

Improving EHRs, Blumenthal says, will require changing the health system’s underlying priorities by moving toward greater risk-sharing with providers. He also highlights interventions that could not only make health professionals’ work easier but “exploit the vast potential of EHRs.”

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