The Potential Impact of a Health Insurance Subsidy Shutdown
With oral arguments for the <em>King v. Burwell</em> case beginning tomorrow, The Commonwealth Fund has a variety of resources to help you understand the real-world impact of a potential Supreme Court decision to end health care subsidies in the 34 states with federally run insurance marketplaces.<br /><br />
How would a ruling against the government affect health coverage for millions of newly insured Americans? What impact would it have on the 34 states with federally run insurance marketplaces, where premiums would likely become unaffordable for most people who buy their own health plans? What would happen to hospitals and other providers? Would insurers raise premiums dramatically, or leave the individual market altogether?<br />
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As this momentous case unfolds, be sure to visit our <em>King v. Burwell</em> resource page for a series of blog posts on the case and its consequences, our interactive state map, and much more.