Reflecting on Health Reform: A Tale of Two IT Procurements
<p>Last week, amid the rancor over the rollout of the Affordable Care Act's health insurance marketplace website, the president of the United States called for...procurement reform. In a <a href="/blog/2013/reflecting-health-reform-tale-two-it-procurements">new blog post</a>, David Blumenthal, M.D., president of the Commonwealth Fund, as well as the former National Coordinator for Health Information Technology and Chief Health Information and Innovation Officer at Partners Health System, explains why the president is on the right track. </p><p>"Among the causes of's difficulties, the federal process for purchasing goods and services could rank right up there with toxic politics, lack of funding for ACA implementation, and management goofs," Blumenthal says. </p>
<p>Drawing on his personal experience in the public and private sectors, Blumenthal explains how the federal government could do a better job. Read the post on <a href="/blog/2013/reflecting-health-reform-tale-two-it-procurements">The Commonwealth Fund Blog</a>. </p>