Reminder: Commonwealth Fund to Release New State Scorecard

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<p><div align="center"><strong>New Scorecard Ranks All U.S. States on Key Health System Indicators; Calculates Improved Care and Dollars That Could Be Saved by Increasing Insurance Coverage, Improving Quality, Reducing Preventable Hospital Admissions</strong></div><br><br>On June 13, The Commonwealth Fund will release the first-ever scorecard ranking all 50 states and the District of Columbia on key measures of health system performance. The scorecard assesses states on 32 measures of access, quality, avoidable hospital use and costs, equity, and healthy lives. The findings document wide geographic variations across states and regions. The scorecard also estimates the potential national gain if all states could achieve rates of performance of the top states on key indicators of insurance coverage, preventive care, continuity, costs, and potentially preventable premature deaths. It details where states can make improvements and concludes with policy strategies for change.<bR><br>Sponsored by the <a href="/programs/programs_list.htm?attrib_id=11932">Commonwealth Fund Commission on a High Performance Health System,</a> the <em>State Scorecard</em> follows the lead of the Commission's <em>National Scorecard,</em> released in September 2006. The Commonwealth Fund created the Commission in 2005 to promote a high-performing health system that provides all Americans with affordable access to high-quality, safe care while maximizing efficiency in its delivery and administration.<bR><br>Which states provide the best access to care? Which states have the highest death rates from conditions amenable to health care? Which states are better at preventing avoidable hospital stays? How many lives and dollars could be saved if more states achieved higher performance levels? During this event, state health policy experts and Commission members will tackle these questions, react to the overall scorecard findings, and offer recommendations for moving forward.<br><Br><strong>When:</strong> Wednesday, June 13, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.<bR><br><strong>Where:</strong> Sky Room of The Hotel Washington, 15th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC<br><br><strong>Who:<br>Karen Davis,</strong> President, The Commonwealth Fund<br><Br><strong>Cathy Schoen,</strong> Senior Vice President, The Commonwealth Fund<br><br><strong>Joel Cantor,</strong> Director, Center for State Health Policy, and Professor of Public Policy, Rutgers University <Br><br><strong>Carolyn Clancy,</strong> Director, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)<br><br><strong>Sandra Shewry,</strong> Director, State of California Department of Health Services<br><br><strong>Alan Weil,</strong> Executive Director, National Academy for State Health Policy, and President, Center for Health Policy Development<br><br><strong>RSVP for this event online at <a href=" "></a&gt; or through Erin Kerr at <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]; or 301-652-1558. ***There will be a limited number of call-in lines available for out of town participants. A line can be reserved by emailing or calling Erin Kerr.***</strong></p>