Reminder: Join a Webinar on Integrating Behavioral Health into Primary Care
Behavioral health problems significantly affect people’s health and quality of life, and often exist alongside physical health problems. A one-hour webinar on December 10, 2014, at 12 p.m., E.T., will discuss the benefits of integrating behavioral health into primary care, especially for low-income individuals, drawing on lessons from the Safety Net Medical Home Initiative, a five-year demonstration that was supported by The Commonwealth Fund, Qualis Health, and the MacColl Center for Health Care Innovation at the Group Health Research Institute.<br /><br />
<strong>What: </strong>Integrating Behavioral Health into Primary Care<br />
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<strong>Who:</strong> <strong>Jurgen Unutzer</strong>, M.D., chair of the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, University of Washington, and director of its Advancing Integrated Mental Health Solutions Center; <strong>Andrea Fox</strong>, M.D., chief medical officer of the Squirrel Hill Health Center in Pittsburgh; <strong>Marty Abdo</strong>, a certified peer specialist and peer bridger at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, Washington; and <strong> Melinda Abrams</strong>, vice president for Health Care Delivery System Reform, The Commonwealth Fund.<br />
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<strong>When: </strong>Wednesday, December 10, at 12 p.m., E.T.