Reminder: Join a Webinar on Patients' Experiences in 11 Countries
<p>Tune in to our upcoming webinar on The Commonwealth Fund’s latest International Health Policy Survey, which compared the views and experiences of adults in 11 countries.</p><p>We’ll explore the survey’s findings on health care access, quality, and affordability, self-reported health and well-being, and more. We’ll also examine the relationship between material hardship and health, especially for vulnerable populations. Experts from the Netherlands and France will offer their perspectives as well. </p>
<p>Results from the survey, which also included Australia, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States, were published by <em>Health Affairs</em> in November.</p>
<p><strong>What:</strong> Webinar: Health Care Experiences of Adults in 11 Countries</p>
<p><strong>When:</strong> Thursday, May 18, 12:00 p.m., E.D.T.</p>
<ul style="list-style-type: disc;">
<li>Moderator: Robin Osborn, Vice President and Director, International Health Policy and Practice Innovations, The Commonwealth Fund</li>
<li>Michelle M. Doty, Senior Vice President for Policy and Research, The Commonwealth Fund</li>
<li>Philip J. van der Wees, Senior Researcher, Radboud University Medical Center, Scientific Center for Quality of Healthcare (IQ healthcare)</li>
<li>Isabelle Durand-Zaleski, Professor of Medicine, Researcher in Clinical Public Health, Hôpital Henri Mondor</li>