Reminder: Upcoming Webinar on Improving Children's Healthy Development Through Federal Policy Change
<p>Please join us on Wednesday, November 19, at 3 p.m., Eastern Time, for a one-hour webinar, "Improving Children's Healthy Development Through Federal Policy Change." This event is being cosponsored by The Commonwealth Fund, Voices for America's Children, First Focus, and the National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP). <bR><br>Charles Bruner, Ph.D., director of the Child and Family Policy Center and lead author of the new Commonwealth Fund issue brief, <em>Improving Child Health Care Through Federal Policy: An Emerging Opportunity,</em> will discuss the prospects for federal legislative child health proposals under President-elect Barack Obama and the new Congress. Alan Weil, J.D., executive director of NASHP, will offer the state perspective on federal children's health reform and Bruce Lesley, president of the advocacy organization First Focus, will discuss strategies for enacting federal well-child care reform. Commonwealth Fund vice president Ed Schor, M.D., head of the Child Health and Development Program, will moderate.<br><br>To register for this online event, please go to <a href="…; There will be an approximately 20-minute question-and-answer session; you will be able to submit questions online.</p>