Results of Survey on Top Policy Priorities
<p>The Commonwealth Fund is pleased to report that later this week we will publish our latest Health Care Opinion Leaders Survey, the seventh installment in a series of bimonthly online surveys.<br><br>As one of the experts nominated by your peers to be part of our sample, the Fund wants to thank you for participating in this survey process. To show our appreciation, we'd like to share with you the results of our latest survey, on health policy priorities for Congress over the next five years, before they are made widely available.<br><br>Just as they did a year ago when asked about policy priorities, a majority of opinion leaders reported that expanding coverage to the uninsured should be Congress' absolute top priority for the next five years. Respondents consider increasing use of information technology to improve the quality and safety of care Congress' second-highest priority. And leaders think that enacting reforms to moderate rising health care costs should be the third priority on Congress' five-year to-do list.<br><br>Opinion leaders believe that with the right policy action, significant progress can be made in 10 year's time. For example, panelists believe that that the percentage of adults under 65 without health insurance can and should be reduced from 18 percent--where it now stands--to just 5 percent. Leaders agree that one of the best ways to expand such coverage to the uninsured is to allow individuals and small businesses to buy into the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program or a similar federal group option.<br><br>Our Opinion Leaders survey series was conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of The Commonwealth Fund. Over the course of the series, we have solicited your expert opinion on long-term care, Medicaid, Medicare, health care costs, and health insurance issues. To view the results of all of our surveys, please visit our <a href="/surveys/surveys.htm">Web site</a>.</p>