On the Road to Recovery: Health Insurers’ 2016 Financial Performance in the Individual Market

eAlert 6293802b-72cc-4364-8234-623bccd8a8d8

<p>In the first two years of the Affordable Care Act’s market reforms, health insurers in the individual market struggled to gain their footing. However, a new post on <em>To the Point</em> says that, in 2016 and 2017, participating health insurers were on a path toward financial recovery, at least prior to the full impact of the Trump administration’s new policies. </p><p>Using the latest federal data, Virginia Commonwealth University’s Michael J. McCue and Wake Forest University’s Mark A. Hall analyzed the financial performance of insurers that had at least 1,000 members in qualified health plans, which can be sold through the ACA’s marketplaces. Their study confirms the earlier estimates showing improved performance among marketplace plans by the end of their third year.</p>

http://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/newsletters/ealerts/2018/mar/road-to-recovery Read the post