Running Down the Clock: Uncertainty over ACA Means Less Time for Oversight of Premium Hikes

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<p>Today, the Trump administration has said it will ask for a 90-day delay in deciding whether to continue to fund the Affordable Care Act’s subsidies to defray health plan cost-sharing for low-income enrollees (known as cost-sharing reductions, or CSRs). This is just one example of the continued uncertainty over critical ACA policies that is making it difficult for insurers to decide on plans and premium rates.</p><p>In most states, insurers will need to submit their health plans and proposed premium rates to insurance regulators by June 21, 2017, if they wish to sell on the ACA marketplaces in 2018. In a new post on <em>To the Point</em>, Georgetown University’s Sabrina Corlette and Kevin Lucia explain that states are trying to be flexible by signaling to insurers that they will be allowed to amend their filings in the wake of policy changes. But such late-breaking changes, the authors say, will mean regulators have less time to conduct comprehensive review and protect consumers from unreasonable rate increases.</p> Read the post