SAVE THE DATE<br><i>Health Affairs</i> Briefing:<br>Bending the Curve in Health Spending
<p>For decades, the United States and other nations have sought to tame the long-term growth of health spending. Even as resources devoted to health care grow, they remain poorly distributed, and much of the health care purchased is of questionable value. As the Obama Administration and Congress tackle health reform, expanding health coverage to millions of uninsured Americans while simultaneously "bending the cost curve" are co-equal goals. </p>
<p>The September–October 2009 edition of <em>Health Affairs</em>, titled "Bending the Cost Curve," delves deeply into this issue. The journal will bring together key administration officials, lawmakers, and leading health policy experts, including Commonwealth Fund President Karen Davis and Aetna Chairman and CEO Ronald A. Williams, to discuss it at a September 9 <em>Health Affairs</em> briefing. </p>
<p>Among the topics to be explored: </p>
<li>Can reforms in the health care delivery system, changes in payment policies, or other measures restrain the rate of growth in health care costs? </li>
<li>How might such policy choices affect the quality of care Americans receive and the growth of medical knowledge? </li>
<li>What has already worked, and what might work, to take costs out of the system? What ought to be top areas of focus for policymakers, health care providers, payers, and patients going forward? </li>
<p>The briefing and <em>Health Affairs</em> issue are supported by grants from Aetna, the Aetna Foundation, and The Commonwealth Fund. <br /><br /><strong>WHEN: </strong>Wednesday, September 9, 2009 <br />9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. <br /><br /><strong>WHERE:</strong> Capital Hilton Hotel <br />1001 16th St., NW (northeast corner of 16th and K), Washington DC <br />Presidential Ballroom, Mezzanine <br />Metro: Farragut North (Red Line); Farragut West (Blue & Orange Lines) <br /><br /><strong>RSVP:</strong> RSVP for this event online at: <a href="">ht…;. <br /></p>