Senate's Updated ACA Repeal-and-Replace Bill Will Still Leave Millions Uninsured
<p>Yesterday, Senate Republicans introduced an updated version of the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA), their proposed repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). In a new <em>To the Point </em>post, The Commonwealth Fund’s Sara Collins and David Blumenthal, M.D., say that the updated bill is still likely to significantly increase the number of uninsured Americans—and raise health care spending for low- and moderate-income people. </p><p>While the revised bill would leave the ACA’s taxes on higher-income people in place, Senate Republicans do not propose using the funds to significantly increase the affordability of coverage for low-and moderate-income Americans. In fact rather than improving cost-protection from deductibles and copayments in the individual market, the new bill doubles down by making it possible for people to use premium tax credits to buy even skimpier, catastrophic coverage. In addition, the new version of the BCRA still dramatically cuts and reconfigures the Medicaid program.</p> Read the post