Should "Value" Be the New Mantra in Health Care?
<p>Can the concept of "value" help spur the fundamental changes that our health care sector so desperately needs? </p><p>In a <a href="/blog/2013/should-value-be-new-mantra-health-care">guest post</a> on the <em>Harvard Business Review</em> blog, Commonwealth Fund president David Blumenthal and senior researcher Kristof Stremikis write that while "putting value at the forefront of health care reform may seem obvious and non-controversial," a number of challenges need to be met before we can "turn the promise of value measurement into the reality of better care at lower cost." </p>
<p>Read <a href="/blog/2013/should-value-be-new-mantra-health-care">their post</a> to find out how value could provide "a north star toward which health care providers could navigate." </p>