Some Health Insurers Canceling Noncompliant Policies

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<p>In late 2013, the Obama administration announced a change that allowed insurers to renew health policies that do not meet the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) coverage standards. Insurers were encouraged—but not required—to allow consumers to reenroll in these policies after January 1, 2014, the start of the most critical market reforms under the ACA, such as comprehensive coverage of health services and bans on charging higher premiums based on health status or gender.</p><p>In their latest blog post on this transitional guidance, the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute’s Kevin Lucia, Sabrina Corlette, and Ashley Williams remind us that all noncompliant policies must be discontinued in 2017. They also report that a number of insurers have, in recent months, decided to discontinue these policies earlier as part of routine evaluations of their product lines. As required under the ACA, however, insurers must inform consumers that they have other health insurance options both through and outside the marketplaces.</p> Read the post.