State Laws Hinder Marketplace Outreach and Enrollment Efforts in Many States

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<p>Seventeen states have passed laws making it harder for health insurance marketplace "navigators," and others who conduct outreach and assist with enrollment, to do their jobs. As a result, consumers who need help finding a health plan have few options. </p><p>In the <a href="/blog/2013/under-pressure-update-restrictive-state-insurance-marketplace-consumer-assistance-laws">first blog post</a> in a two-part series on consumer assistance in the marketplaces, researchers from Georgetown University Health Policy Institute's Center on Health Insurance Reforms examine these new laws and regulations, which include restrictions on the advice navigators can give consumers, burdensome financial requirements, and more. </p>
<p>The next post will look at the how the limited funding for education and enrollment help for federally facilitated marketplaces, compared with state-run or state-partnership marketplaces, may be reducing outreach in those states. </p>