State Medicaid Programs Are Driving Payment and Delivery System Reform
<p>As the providers of health coverage for millions of Americans, state Medicaid programs are seeking to change the way health care is delivered in communities across the U.S. A <a href="/blog/2012/state-medicaid-programs-are-driving-payment-and-delivery-system-reform">new blog post </a>by Kathleen Nolan and Abby Kahn of the National Association of Medicaid Directors outlines the types of payment and delivery reforms states are pursuing. </p><p>Some states are adjusting how they pay health care providers in an effort to reduce the occurrence of potentially preventable events and the delivery of unnecessary services. Others have chosen to incentivize care management, or coordination of health care services, for vulnerable patients. The authors also look at bundled payment, managed care, and health home initiatives. </p>
<p>Visit The Commonwealth Fund Blog for the <a href="/blog/2012/state-medicaid-programs-are-driving-payment-and-delivery-system-reform">complete post</a>. </p>