States May Continue to Experiment with Health Insurance Marketplaces
<p>States have several different options to take part in the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance marketplaces, where people can shop for health insurance. These range from taking full responsibility for operating the marketplaces to letting the federal government run them. To help guide state decisions, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently released the 2015 health insurance marketplace models for states. </p><p>In their latest blog post, the Alliance for Health Reform’s Sarah Dash and Georgetown University’s Amy Thomas outline <a href="/blog/2014/new-state-based-marketplaces-unlikely-2015-technology-challenges-create-more-shades-gray">key deadlines and the factors</a> that states will consider when making their choices, including the likelihood of obtaining legal authority to run a state-based marketplace, funding availability, the desire to maximize state regulatory oversight, and their technological capabilities. </p>
<p>While it is unlikely that any new state-based marketplaces will be created in 2015, the authors expect the next few years of marketplace implementation to be dynamic. </p>
<p>Read the complete post on <a href="/blog/2014/new-state-based-marketplaces-unlikely-2015-technology-challenges-create-more-shades-gray">The Commonwealth Fund Blog</a>. </p>