Survey: As Open Enrollment Begins, Insurance Marketplaces Are Mystery to Many
<p>As the key components of the Affordable Care Act roll out this week, more than three-quarters of U.S. adults are aware of the law’s requirement that everyone have health coverage, but only four of 10 are aware of the new insurance marketplaces set to open on October 1, or the financial assistance available to defray the cost of insurance premiums, a <a href="/publications/issue-briefs/2013/sep/what-americans-think-new-insurance-marketplaces-and-medicaid">new Commonwealth Fund survey</a> finds. </p><p>The survey, conducted between July and September of this year, is part of The Commonwealth Fund’s efforts to track implementation of the health reform law. It finds that the people most likely to benefit from the health insurance marketplaces and premium subsidies are often least likely to be aware of them. But the results also reveal broad support for expanding Medicaid in all states, with a large majority of respondents saying they are somewhat or strongly in favor of making Medicaid available to more residents in their state. </p>
<p>Read all about the survey’s findings in our issue brief <a href="/publications/issue-briefs/2013/sep/what-americans-think-new-insurance-marketplaces-and-medicaid">What Americans Think of the New Insurance Marketplaces and Medicaid Expansion.</a> And be sure to check out our <a href="/Infographics/2013/Marketplace-Survey.aspx">infographic.</a></p>