Tax Bill Would Create Needlessly Painful Choices Affecting People on Medicare
<p>The congressional tax bill now moving toward final passage would add $1.45 trillion to the federal deficit between now and 2027, according to the Congressional Budget Office. In a new <em>To the Point </em>post, the Commonwealth Fund’s Eric Schneider, Arnav Shah, and Shawn Bishop explain that, if enacted, the bill will accelerate deficit spending over the next five years, while ignoring Medicare’s growing needs. </p><p>The baby boom generation is driving Medicare enrollment to historic highs, the authors say. As costly new tests and treatments become available, spending per beneficiary is likely to grow as well. Rather than revenue cuts, policy experts have recommended investments in value-based payment reforms and delivery system innovation to sustain Medicare in the future. </p>
<p>“For the more than 80 million Americans who will need Medicare coverage in 2030, the tax bill sets up needlessly painful decisions that will affect their health and financial security in the future,” the authors say.</p>