Time to Move On?
<p>For the last four years, public debate over the Affordable Care Act has focused almost obsessively on the law's coverage provisions, says Commonwealth Fund President David Blumenthal, M.D., in his latest <a href="/blog/2014/reflecting-health-reform-time-move">Reflecting on Health Reform</a> blog post. The fundamental question has been whether the law would survive or be repealed, and insurance coverage—the creation of new insurance marketplaces and the Medicaid expansion—have been at the heart of this question. </p><p>"More than 18 million Americans have been touched by the coverage provisions of the law," Blumenthal writes. "This compares with perhaps a few million who may have been adversely affected by policy cancellations, and many of these have found or will find comparable or better coverage through now-functioning individual marketplaces."</p>
<p>Given that the prospect of repeal seems minimal now that so many people are benefitting from the law, Blumenthal suggests we turn our attention to other, more pressing issues. Read the complete post on <a href="/blog/2014/reflecting-health-reform-time-move">The Commonwealth Fund Blog.</a></p>