The Value of Coordinated Care, Explained
<p>Many of us have experienced the need for repeat medical tests, or a lack of communication between the physicians caring for us. But relatively few are aware of the many ways that health care providers are reorganizing to coordinate their patients' care better. </p><p>In a <a href="/publications/video/2013/oct/why-people-need-coordinated-health-care">new video,</a> Commonwealth Fund vice president Anne-Marie J. Audet, M.D., explains how care teams, health information technology, and new ways of paying providers can improve care for patients. </p>
<p>"The ultimate goal is to get everyone on the same page," Dr. Audet says. "By focusing on care transitions and care coordination, we'll see better health care, better health, and lower costs." </p>
<p>Visit <a href="/publications/video/2013/oct/why-people-need-coordinated-health-care"></a> to watch and share the video, part of our Health Reform & You series. </p>